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Intelligence and Security Operations Fundamentals Course

Discover, evaluate and understand threats of every kind with an Intelligence and Security Operations Fundamentals Course designed around military principles and real-life experiences.


The expert-led sessions, scenario-based exercises, and interactive group discussions allow participants to learn to design intelligence collection plans, apply AI in information gathering, and employ business continuity strategies.

Built using military intelligence processes and principles, the structure of the Intelligence and Security Operations Fundamentals Course encourages a new way of thinking, pushing you to adapt alternative mindsets and ultimately strengthen your ability to understand threats and their impact.

The intelligence training consists of a diverse range of modules, all built using real-life experiences, case studies and examples from our intelligence teams’ previous careers spanning multiple countries and sectors. This useful knowledge and tangible scenarios help you to absorb and retain information.

We use our intelligence training internally too; our workforce completes the course as standard, ensuring consistency and maintaining high standards across our intelligence reporting.

We can guarantee a clear and concise 1 day online or in-person course that can be scheduled at a time most convenient for you. Our program also comes with a 12-month accredited online training component to provide a deep onward learning journey.

This course is ideal for security professionals, analysts and risk managers.

Key highlights include:

  • Introduction to Intelligence Fundamentals
  • Core Concepts of Intelligence
  • Scenario Generation Case Studies
  • Interactive Exercise on Intelligence Collection Planning
  • Intelligence and Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS)
  • Understanding Internal Client Needs

Our Intelligence and Security Operations Fundamentals Course can be tailored to meet bespoke requests. We run this course multiple times throughout the year in both the US and UK, however, if you’d like to discuss face to face training at your organisation get in touch.

Ready to book your space? You can find out more information and pay for your ticket here.

If you would like further insight into what our training programme entails, fill out your details, and we will be in touch:

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