Employee Spotlight: Daniel Harrington
Intelligence Fusion has a strong connection to the Armed Forces, with both our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer having military backgrounds.

Ahead of Armed Forces Day 2019 on 29th June, we’re introducing our COO, Daniel Harrington. Known at HQ as Harry, he outlines his day to day role here at Intelligence Fusion, his time serving in the forces and gives his advice to those looking to return to civilian life.
What’s your role at Intelligence Fusion?
In my role as Chief Operating Office at Intelligence Fusion I manage the day to day running of our Operations Centre. Our team of senior analysts focus on global incident reporting, threat horizon scanning and writing analysis and assessments for clients. I also conduct structured curriculum based training to our team of intern analysts.
Tell us about your time in the forces?
I started out my career in the Royal Navy Submarine Service based in Scotland performing a communications role. Later on, I had the opportunity to join a tri- service organisation working alongside Army, RAF and Marines which was a rewarding experience and gave me a whole new skill set.
Why did you choose a career in security and intelligence after leaving the armed forces?
I thought the skills that I acquired in the military would be applicable to the private sector. Having a background in security also gave me the opportunity to work in Crisis Management and Operational Risk, allowing me to transition into the corporate world.
What skills or traits do ex-service personnel have that makes them an asset to an organisation?
Self discipline, confidence and reliability are three key traits which ex-service personnel have that employers wish to see. Having the ability to turn up to work on time, well presented and with the right attitude is the key to success in any career whatever level or rank you join at. A sense of humour also helps.
What advice do you have for those in the military looking to return to Civvy Street?
Don’t rest on your laurels or believe that serving in the military automatically entitles you to respect or a senior position within an organisation. In many roles you will have to start out as the junior again or have to learn a whole new skill set from people who have no idea or interest in your previous military career. Also, find a good Recruitment Consultant who can review your CV and replace much of the military terminology with civilian and/or business friendly language. Many employers or interviewers may otherwise find your CV confusing or be bamboozled.
Another tip I would suggest is keep focusing on self-improvement and learn to “spin plates”. Find hobbies or activities in your spare time that can compliment your own self or career development. Finally, don’t believe “rumint” about being offered instant gold plated salaries or cushy roles on Civvy Street – research carefully the careers or jobs that you may wish to apply for before you leave and have realistic expectations.
Back in August 2018, Intelligence Fusion signed the Armed Forces Covenant to demonstrate our support for the armed forces community in the UK.
Individuals and businesses who sign vow to recognise those who have performed military duty and the value of their contribution by offering employment, where possible, to ex-servicemen and women and continually supporting its reservists.
Upon pledging, our CEO Michael McCabe said; “Having served in the military it is with a great sense of pride that our company signs the Armed Forces Covenant.
“The military does a fantastic and often underappreciated job, so I am proud that Intelligence Fusion can recognise the value of our serving and veteran personnel through signing the covenant and providing any support we can to those who have served the nation.”
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